LPS-induced respiratory inflammation

Inflammation is an essential component of many respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Main features of respiratory inflammation can be displayed in animal models, including non-human primates. Marmosets in particular are new world monkeys with a very high level of homology and physiological similarity to humans.

In our model, acute inflammation is induced by single or repeated exposure to endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS). This exposure treatment has been shown to reproduce hallmarks of human inflammation, with high neutrophil counts and sensitivity to glucocorticoid treatment. It is a robust, easy, and cost-efficient model that can be used especially for efficacy testing of anti-inflammatory drugs. We have excellent expertise in inhalation of substances and lung function measurements.

Readout parameters

  • In-life assessment of lung function: airway response to methacholine exposure
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage: total and differential cell counts, cytokine levels by ELISA or MSD
  • Histology imaging: conventional stainings, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and pathology scoring


  1. Curths C, Wichmann J, Dunker S, Windt H, Hoymann HG, Lauenstein HD, Hohlfeld J, Becker T, Kaup FJ, Braun A, and Knauf S. Airway hyper-responsiveness in lipopolysaccharide-challenged common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Clin Sci (Lond). 126 (2014), No. 2: 155-162.
  2. Seehase S, Schleputz M, Switalla S, Matz-Rensing K, Kaup FJ, Zoller M, Schlumbohm C, Fuchs E, Lauenstein HD, Winkler C, Kuehl AR, Uhlig S, Braun A, Sewald K, and Martin C. Bronchoconstriction in nonhuman primates: a species comparison. J Appl Physiol. 111 (2011), No. 3: 791-798.
  3. Seehase S, Lauenstein HD, Schlumbohm C, Switalla S, Neuhaus V, Forster C, Fieguth HG, Pfennig O, Fuchs E, Kaup FJ, Bleyer M, Hohlfeld JM, Braun A, Sewald K, and Knauf S. LPS-induced lung inflammation in marmoset monkeys - an acute model for anti-inflammatory drug testing. PLoS One. 7 (2012), No. 8: e43709.


Christina Hesse

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Christina Hesse

Manager of the Working Group on Tissue Injury and Repair

Phone +49 511 5350-421

Franziska Dahlmann

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Franziska Dahlmann

Manager of the Working Group on Infection and Immunology

Phone +49 511 5350-416