Services and expertise in Translational Biomedical Engineering

R&D expertise, tailored testing methods, and knowledge of regulatory requirements

The challenges of developing innovative medical devices and the risk of failure in technology transfer are significant. We support the targeted development of your medical device with our R&D expertise, the concurrent development of customized testing methods and systems, and our regulatory experience.

In this way, we make a significant contribution to the development process: from the initial research approaches through prototype production and verification to the first clinical investigations. If your medical device is already approved, we also assist with listing the product in the catalogue of Therapeutic Appliances. This enables it to be prescribed with a prescription and reimbursed by statutory health insurers. This service is particularly valuable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and for spin-offs from research institutions in their development efforts.

Our services and expertise


Testing and test methods


Regulatory support


Inclusion in the Catalogue of Therapeutic Appliances

Successfully position your medical device on the market. We support you with the inclusion of your device in the catalogue of therapeutic appliances!