The field of bio- and environmental analytics addresses the quantification and also the identification of selected substances in different matrices (e.g. biological materials, air, dust etc.). In everyday life, both in the private and working environment, people are exposed to countless chemicals (e.g. pollutants, drugs etc.) – deliberately, but also unwantedly, for short periods of time and/or chronically.
In line with our vision "Fraunhofer ITEM – pioneers for sustainable health", we apply analytical chemistry in numerous areas, in particular in connection with consumer protection and occupational safety, assessment and authorization of biocides, cosmetics, and industrial chemicals, as well as in toxicological and pharmacokinetic studies.
For more than 20 years, Fraunhofer ITEM has assisted customers with their specific issues beyond routine analytics. Our analytics team has comprehensive knowledge and the expertise to apply the available analytical techniques in a targeted and efficient manner to meet your requirements, under both non-GLP and GLP conditions.