Fraunhofer ITEMs spin-off project Inhale+ receives a boost of €1.3 million

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As part of the portfolio conference held by the Institute for Biomedical Translation (IBT) on November 27, 2024, a distinguished jury selected Inhale+ to receive €1.3 million in funding. We are immensely proud that this groundbreaking technology, developed at Fraunhofer ITEM, now reaches patients.

Congratulations and check presentation to the project team Felix Wiegandt, Guido Stichtenoth, Ute Urban, and Gerhard Pohlmann.
© IBT Lower Saxony
Congratulations and check presentation to the project team Felix Wiegandt, Guido Stichtenoth, Ute Urban, and Gerhard Pohlmann (not pictured: Fabian Müller).

This funding will support the technology to reach its next major milestone: financing the clinical proof of concept. The goal is to demonstrate that the system functions not only in laboratory settings but also with preterm infants.

Inhale+ aims to revolutionize inhalation therapy for premature babies by introducing a patented, non-invasive approach. This gentle and highly effective treatment option addresses the needs of underdeveloped lungs in preterm infants, enabling the preventive management of respiratory diseases. The innovative bypass technology diverts a small, precisely controlled volume of air from the ventilation circuit, enriches it with a pharmaceutical aerosol, and delivers the highly concentrated aerosol directly to the patient’s airways. This method achieves 3.2 times the efficacy of conventional inhalation therapies.

Together with our partners – Hannover Medical School (MHH) and University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) – we are eager to ensure that the prototypes meet all safety and compliance standards, paving the way for clinical trials. This method represents a significant breakthrough in neonatal care, promising improved treatment quality and outcomes for this vulnerable patient group worldwide.