Our network

It is not only our excellent scientists that our success is due to. A broad network, both national and international, and numerous cooperation partners represent a crucial factor in our expertise. Fraunhofer ITEM’s network includes other Fraunhofer institutes that we collaborate with in Fraunhofer groups, alliances and research clusters, but also universities, research institutions and companies in Germany and all over the world.


Fraunhofer Group for Health Research

© iStock / Fraunhofer ITMP

Health research is one of the most multi-faceted future areas of innovation. Smart innovations will have to make a significant contribution to affordable health care and to safeguarding the future of society. The Fraunhofer Group for Health Research pools the expertise and technologies of six institutes in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biomedical engineering, and biotechnology. The high degree of interdisciplinarity within the Group across the four major thematic areas − Data, Devices, Diagnostics, and Drugs − makes it possible to address trend-setting innovations and achieve noticeable added value for health research and patients.

Cluster of Excellence Immune-Mediated Diseases CIMD

© Fraunhofer CIMD

The primary goal of the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Immune-Mediated Diseases is the translation of innovative ideas and identified targets into individualized therapies for immune-mediated diseases. The collaborating institutes want to bridge the existing gap from research on novel medications to what is actually available to patients.

In forward-looking projects, three Fraunhofer Institutes – Fraunhofer IME, Fraunhofer IZI, and Fraunhofer ITEM – are pooling their expertise, thereby enabling efficient translation. A substantial gain of knowledge in the pathophysiology of immune diseases will thus be generated, innovative targets will be addressed, and new treatment categories in this therapeutic area will be introduced and established.

Fraunhofer Nanotechnology FNT

Fraunhofer Nanotechnologie FNT is a cooperation of several Fraunhofer units that work together in the business and research field of nanotechnology – from application-oriented research to support and consultancy in the implementation of results in industry. Examples are the development of multifunctional layers for optical applications, automotive construction and the electrical equipment industry or the use of metal and oxidic nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes and nanoplatelets as well as nanocomposites as structural and coating materials and for biomedical applications. Furthermore, issues of toxicology and safe handling of nanoparticles are addressed.

Initiative "Tierversuche verstehen"

Animal testing is essential for achieving progress in biological and medical research. It provides insights that can then be used to develop new medicines and treatments, and to assess health risks. These findings are so beneficial to humans, but come at a cost to the animals.

Fraunhofer is part of “Tierversuche verstehen” (“Understanding animal research”), an information and educational initiative coordinated by the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany. The initiative’s website also provides more information on animal testing and ethics.

Translational Alliance in Lower Saxony (TRAIN)

Regional networking is a high priority at Fraunhofer ITEM. This is why we are a partner in the Translational Alliance in Lower Saxony (TRAIN). TRAIN bundles the know-how and infrastructure of university and extra-academic research institutions for the development of active pharmaceutical ingredients and vaccines. 

The broad spectrum covers the entire biomedical development chain from basic research to actual applications and opens up new possibilities in biomedicine. What makes TRAIN so special is the two-way scientific exchange: Basic researchers learn from clinicians and can thus gear their work to clinically relevant problems, while clinicians learn about new opportunities for practical applications resulting from biomedical research.

German Center for Lung Research

Fraunhofer ITEM researchers use magnetic resonance imaging at the CRC Hannover.
© Fraunhofer ITEM, Felix Schmitt
Fraunhofer ITEM researchers use magnetic resonance imaging at the CRC Hannover.

The German Center for Lung Research (DZL) is one of six German Centers for Health Research. It is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the governments of the federal states that are home to the corresponding sites. Within the DZL, basic, disease- and patient-oriented research in the field of respiratory diseases is coordinated and conducted at international top level. Twenty-nine leading German research institutions at five different sites cooperate in the DZL.

Fraunhofer ITEM is a member of the BREATH research network at the Hannover site, where the other partners are the Hannover Medical School, the Center for Health Economics Research Hannover at Leibniz University Hannover, and the CAPNETZ competence network. In addition, there is a close cooperation with the REBIRTH cluster of excellence.

Active participation in committees


Prof. Dr. Christian Bär

MD/Ph.D. commission “Molecular Medicine” of the Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS) of the Hannover Medical School (MHH)

Ph.D. examination board for “Anatomy and Cell Biology” at the Hannover Medical School (MHH)

Working group on »Myocardial Function« (WG 4) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)

Working groups on myocardial function and energetics “AG 13 Myokardiale Funktion und Energetik” and on cardiovascular regeneration “AG 31 Kardiovaskuläre Regeneration” of the German Cardiac Society (DGK)

Program Committee “Medical Scientist Programme” of the Hannover Medical School (MHH)

Member of the editorial board of the international journal “Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids“

Reviewer for numerous national and international organizations and foundations, incl. German Research Foundation (DFG), German Cardiac Society (DGK), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), Irish Research Council (IRC) and AFM-Telethon

Reviewer for international journals in cardiovascular diseases and therapies (incl. “Nature Medicine”, “Nature Communications”, “Nature Reviews Cardiology“, “European Heart Journal“, “Circulation Research“, “Cardiovascular Research“, “npj Regenerative Medicine“, “Advanced Science“, “ESC Heart Failure“, “Basic Research in Cardiology“, and “Molecular Therapy“)


Dr. Annette Bitsch

Working committee on probabilistic exposure and risk assessment “Probabilistische Expositions- und Risikoabschätzung”

Board member of the German Toxicology Society (GT)

Expert panel 110 on cooling lubricants “Kühlschmierstoffe” of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) Technical Division 1 “Production Technology and Manufacturing Methods”

Interim Scientific Adisory Council (iSAC) for the reorganization of the Evidence-Based Toxicology Collaboration (EBTC) at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Mentor in the Fraunhofer career program for female scientists TALENTA

Reviewer in the peer-review process for the German Federal Health Bulletin “Bundesgesundheitsblatt”

Reviewer for international journals published by Elsevier (incl. “Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology”)


Katharina Blümlein Ph.D.

Working group on analyses in biological materials “Analysen in biologischem Material” of the German Research Foundation (DFG)


Prof. Dr. Armin Braun

MD/Ph.D. commission “Molecular Medicine” of the Hannover Medical School (MHH)

Scientific advisory committee of the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI)

German Center for Lung Research (DZL)

External assessor for international foundations

Reviewer for international journals in respiratory medicine and immunology (incl. “Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”)


Dr. Gustav Bruer

Working group “Respiratory Toxicology” of the German Toxicology Society 

Reviewer for international journals in pharmacology and toxicology (“Nature Research – Scientific Reports”)


Dr. Otto Creutzenberg

Reviewer for international journals in particle and fiber toxicology (“Particle and Fibre Toxicology”, “Inhalation Toxicology”)


Uta Dörfel

Working group on GLP analytics “GLP-Analytik” of the German Quality Management Association (GQMA)


Dr. Sylvia Escher

DFG Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area (MAK Commission): working group on carginogenic substances 


Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jan Fiedler

Program committee for the Ph.D. program “Regenerative Sciences” at the Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS)

Reviewer for international journals in cardiovascular research


Dr. Ulrich Froriep

Member of the Focus Group Medical Technology of the IVAM Microtechnology Network

German Neuroscience Society

Society for Neuroscience (SfN)


Dr. Jens Gerdelmann

Working groups on GLP quality assurance/monitoring “GLP: Qualitätssicherung/Überwachung”, GCP quality management “GCP-Qualitätsmanagement”, and medical devices “Medizinprodukte” of the German Quality Management Association (GQMA)


Dr. Stefan Hahn

Chair of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology

Working committee on chemical risk assessment of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) division of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology “Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie”

Working group “Exposure models” of ISES Europe (Europe Regional Chapter of the International Society of Exposure Science)

Reviewer for international journals in environmental and exposure sciences (incl. “Environmental Science & Technology”, “Annals of Work Exposures and Health”, and “Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology”)


Martina Heina

IT division of the International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology (APV)

Working groups on archiving “Archivierung” and information technology “IT” of the German Quality Management Association (GQMA)


Dr. Martin Hoffmann

Working group on bioinformatics at Comprehensive Cancer Center Ostbayern (CCCO)


Prof. Dr. Jens Hohlfeld

External assessor for the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Steering committee of the research network “Biomedical Research in Endstage And ObsTructive Lung Disease Hannover” (BREATH) within the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)

Board member of the interdisciplinary allergy center of the Hannover Medical School (MHH)

Reviewer for international journals (incl. “American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine”, “European Respiratory Journal”, and “Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”) 


Dr. Olaf Holz

Reviewer for international journals (incl. “American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine”, “Journal of Breath Research”, “European Respiratory Journal”, “PLOS ONE”, “Respiratory Research”, and “BMC Pulmonary Medicine”)


Dr. Rupert Kellner

Councilor for electronic communication and member of the Executive Board of the European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)

Global Editorial and Steering Committee (GESC) for the initiative “International Harmonization of Nomenclature and Diagnostic Criteria for Lesions in Rats and Mice” (INHAND)


Prof. Dr. Christoph Klein

External assessor for numerous national and international organizations and foundations: German Research Foundation, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Wilhelm Sander Foundation for Cancer Research, ERC, Deutsche Krebshilfe, Christian Doppler Research Association, Dutch Cancer Society, Association for International Cancer Research, EU-FP7, MRC, Cancer Research UK, Kegg-Foundation

Deputy chairman of the scientific committee of Comprehensive Cancer Center Ostbayern (CCCO)

Deputy spokesperson of the “Lighthouse Group – Omics, Genomics and Liquid Biopsy” of the Bavarian Center for Cancer Research (BKFZ)

Member of the advisory board of Bioᴹ Biotech Cluster Development GmbH

Reviewer for international journals in oncology (incl. “Nature”, “Nature Biotechnology”, “Nature Cell Biology”, “Nature Medicine”, “Cancer Cell”, “Science”, “PNAS”, “American Journal of Pathology”, “Cancer Research”, “Clinical Cancer Research”, “International Journal of Cancer”, “Nucleic Acid Research”, “European Journal of Immunology”, “Lancet Oncology”, “European Journal of Cancer”, “PLOS ONE”, and “Oncotarget”) 


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koch

Reviewer for international journals in aerosol physics and aerosol technology (incl. “Journal of Aerosol Science”, “Aerosol Science and Technology”, and “Annals of Work Exposures and Health”)


Dr. Imke Korf

Reviewer for international journals on bacteriophages


Prof. Dr. Norbert Krug

Chair of the Clinical Trial Board of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)

Steering committee of the research network “Biomedical Research in Endstage And ObsTructive Lung Disease Hannover” (BREATH) within the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)

External assessor for the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Steering committee of the Fraunhofer Research Cluster “Immune-Mediated Diseases” (Fraunhofer CIMD)

Scientific advisory committee of the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI)

DEAL project group of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany

Working group “Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Deutsche Hochschulmedizin”

Reviewer for international journals in allergology, immunology, and respiratory diseases


Prof. Dr. Nico Lachmann

Extended Board of the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN)

EU Deputy Representative of the Hannover Medical School (MHH)

Senate Section II of the Hannover Medical School (MHH)

Steering Committee REBIRTH – Research Center for Translational Regenerative Medicine at the Hannover Medical School (previously REBIRTH cluster of excellence “From REgenerative BIology to Recontructive THerapy”)

External assessor for numerous national and international organizations incl. the European Research Council (ERC) and the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Reviewer for numerous international journals (incl. “Nature”, “Nature Immunology”, “Nature Reviews Immunology”, “Nature Reviews Disease Primer”, “Nature Communications”, “Nature Communications Medicine”, “Nature Biomedical Engineering”, “Cell Stem Cell”, “iScience”, “Stem Cell Reports”, “eBioMedicine”, and “AJRCCM”)


Dr. Oliver Licht

Working group on sustainable chemicals policy “Nachhaltige Chemikalienpolitik” of the 8th Lower Saxony Governmental Commission on sustainable environmental policy and digital change

Working committee on regulatory toxicology “Regulatorische Toxikologie” of the German Toxicology Society (GT)

Public relations delegate of the German Toxicology Society (GT)


Dr. Meike Müller

Network of ombudspersons in Lower Saxony


Dr. Gerhard Pohlmann

International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM)


PD Dr. Bernhard Polzer

External assessor for the Wilhelm Sander Foundation for Cancer Research

External assessor for the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung

Reviewer for international journals in pathology and oncology (“Cancers”, “Chemical Science”, “Cytometry A”, “International Journal of Cancer”, “Journal of Visualized Experiments”, “Oncotarget”, “Scientific Reports”, “Expert Reviews of Molecular Diagnostics”, and “Molecular Oncology”)

Member of the clinical study groups on “Primary and Secondary Malignant Brain Tumors in Adults” and “Central Nervous System Tumors in Children and Adolescents” and member of the “Lighthouse Group – Omics, Genomics and Liquid Biopsy” of the Bavarian Center for Cancer Research (BKFZ)


Prof. Dr. Antje Prasse

External assessor for the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Board member of the Scientific Working Group for the Therapy of Lung Diseases (WATL)

Board member of Deutsche Atemwegsliga e. V.

Board member of the World Association of Sarcoidosis and other Granulomatous Disorders (WASOG)

Coordinator of the ILD group in the European Reference Network on Respiratory Diseases ERN-LUNG

Spokesperson for the disease area “DPLD” in the research network “Biomedical Research in Endstage And ObsTructive Lung Disease Hannover” (BREATH) within the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)

Deputy member of the Ph.D. admissions committee of the Hannover Medical School (MHH)

Reviewer for international journals (incl. “American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine”, “European Respiratory Journal”, “Journal of Clinical Investigation”, “JCI Insights”, “Nature Communications”, “American Journal of Respiratory and Cell Biology”, and “Thorax”)

Associate editor of “PLOS ONE”


Prof. Dr. Tobias Pukrop

Chairman of the working committee on malignant tumors of the CNS “ZNS Malignome” of the German Society of Hematology and Oncology

Board member/deputy speaker of CCC Alliance WERA

Steering board of the working panel on CNS/leptomeningeal spread “ZNS/Meningeosis” of the working group on internal oncology “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (AIO)” of the German Cancer Society (DKG)

Steering board of the Collaborative Reserach Center/Transregio (SFB/TRR) 305: Striking a moving target: From mechanisms of metastatic colonization to novel systemic therapies

Steering board of the Molecular Tumor Board of the University of Regensburg

Steering board of the Brain Tumor Center (ZHT) of the University of Regensburg

Executive Board of the Bavarian Center for Cancer Research (BKFZ)

European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)


Priv.-Doz. Dr. Susanne Rittinghausen 

“Guess What” committee of the European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)

Global Editorial and Steering Committee (GESC) for the initiative “International Harmonization of Nomenclature and Diagnostic Criteria for Lesions in Rats and Mice” (INHAND)

INHAND (International Harmonization of Nomenclature and Diagnostic Criteria) organ working groups “Respiratory System”, “Endocrine System” and “Soft Tissue”


Dirk Schaudien Ph.D.

INHAND (International Harmonization of Nomenclature and Diagnostic Criteria) working groups “Non-rodents: Minipig”, “Respiratory System”, and “Skeletal Tissues (Bones, Joints and Teeth)”

“Pathology 2.0” committee of the European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)

“Guess What” committee of the European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)

Examination board of the European College of Veterinary Pathology


Dr. Stefanie Scheffler

Working group on e-cigarettes and liquids for e-cigarettes of the DIN Standards Committee “Food and Agricultural Products”


Dr. Sven Schuchardt

Treasurer of the German Society for Metabolome Research

Working group on air analyses “Luftanalysen” of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften – ISAS – e. V. (Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences)

SAE AC-9M Cabin Air Measurement Committee


Dr. Florian Schulz

DFG Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area (MAK Commission): working group on the definition of threshold limit values for dusts

Committee on Hazardous Substances (AGS) under the German Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs: Subcommittee III for the evaluation of hazardous substances “Gefahrstoffbewertung”, working groups on metals and fibers/dust

Advisory Board of the European Certification Board for Mineral Wool Products (EUCEB)

External expert in the quality control committee of the mineral wool quality assurance association “RAL-Güteqemeinschaft Mineralwolle” (GGM)


Dr. Katherina Sewald

Steering group of the workshop “Respiratory Toxicity”

German Center for Lung Research (DZL): Young Scientists committee

Member of the official ATS Workshop „Guidelines for Precision-cut lung slices“

Co-chair of the expert group Human Tissue of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), Europe

Executive committee on basic research in the research network “Biomedical Research in Endstage And ObsTructive Lung Disease Hannover” (BREATH) within the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)

Mentor in the Fraunhofer career program for female scientists TALENTA

External assessor for international research grants

Reviewer for the international journals “Toxicology Letters”, “Toxicology in Vitro”, “Nanotoxicology”, “ATOX”, and “PLOS ONE”


Dr. Jens Warfsmann

Working group on bioinformatics at Comprehensive Cancer Center Ostbayern (CCCO)


Prof. Dr. Lena Wiese

Special interest group “Digital Health” and working group on “Data Science and Data Engineering” of the German Informatics Society


Dr. Dorothee Winterberg

Working group on respiratory toxicology “Respirationstoxikologie” of the German Toxicology Society (GT)

Association of Inhalation Toxicologists (AIT)

German Center for Lung Research (DZL)


Dr. Christina Ziemann

Chair of the working group on statistics of the German Society for Environmental Mutation Research (GUM)

Working group on “Genotoxicity” of the DIN Standards Committee “Water Practice”

Working groups on carcinogenesis “Kanzerogenese” and on respiratory toxicology “Respirationstoxikologie” of the German Toxicology Society (GT)

Member of the program committee for the annual Germa Pharm-Tox Summit (GPTS) of the German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT) for contributions from the German Society for Toxicology (GT)

OECD pool of experts of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

Reviewer for international journals in genetic toxicology, nanomaterials, and quartz

Panelist for the expert workshop of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) “Building A Research Roadmap for Hazard and Risk Assessment of Nitrosamine Impurities in Drugs”

Publicly funded research projects




Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy

Further development of Fraunhofer ITEM in Regensburg


DFG – German Research Foundation

Collaborative Reserach Center/Transregio (SFB/TRR) 305: Striking a moving target: From mechanisms of metastatic colonization to novel systemic therapies – subprojects "High-throughput screening assays and readouts for targeting metastatic progression" (A07) and "Novel patient-specific immune competent preclinical in vitro models to study early metastasis" (B17).


Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation (SPRIND)

iGUARD – integrated Guided Ultrafast Antiviral RNAi Drug Development


Federal Environment Agency

Consideration of disinfection by-products in the context of environmental risk assessment of biocidal products - inventory and development of recommendations for the assessment. R&D project 3718 65 403 

Investigation of the pathogenic mechanisms of action of emerging pollen allergens using the example of Ambrosia artemisiifolia. R&D project 3720 62 203 0


Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

Mode of toxic action of nanocarbons. Research project F 2376

Advancement and connection of modeling approaches for estimating inhalation exposure during spray applications. Research project F 2492


Federal Joint Committee/Innovation Committee

PTmHBP – Practicability testing of the magistral production of bacteriophages for the therapy of septic infections of the lower extremity (PhagoFlow)


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project: ELISE – Ein Lernendes und Interoperables, Smartes Expertensystem für die pädiatrische Intensivmedizin (a learning and interoperable, smart expert system for pediatric intensive-care medicine)

Project: P4D – Personalized, predictive, precise and preventive medicine to improve early detection, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of depression disorders – Establishment and validation of test systems for biomarkers. R&D project 01EK2204D


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) framework program “Gesundheitsforschung” (health research)

Collaborative research project: NANOpain

Dendritic NanoAnalgesics without addictive potential for better quality of life for patients with cancer, post-operative and chronic pain. R&D project 16GW0333


Collaborative research project: Phage4Cure

Developing bacteriophages as approved therapy against bacterial infections


Collaborative research project: TPHiPAH

Tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitors as novel therapeutics for pulmonary arterial hypertension


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding program “Alternatives to Animal Testing”

Project: Inhal-Prädikt

Universally applicable model for prediction of the local efficacy of (inhaled) anti-infectives in the lungs


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding program DigitalLung

Digital auscultation system for differential diagnosis of lung diseases using machine learning


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding program “Erforschung von Covid-19 im Zuge des Ausbruchs von Sars-CoV-2” (research on COVID-19 in response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak)

RENACO – repurposing nafamostat mesylate for COVID-19 treatment


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding program "In-vitro Challenge"

ImmunAVATAR: Make your immune system great again


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding program “Innovative Stammzelltechnologien für die individualisierte Medizin” (innovative stem cell technologies for individualized medicine)

Project: TACTiC

Tailored application for individualized cell therapy with iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding program "KMU-innovativ: Medizintechnik" (innovative SMEs: biomedical engineering)

Collaborative project: CTCbySCP

Development of a single cell printer-based method for marker-independent quantification and isolation of vital circulating tumor cells for diagnosis and personalized therapy


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding program "NanoCare 4.0 – application-safe material innovations"

Project: MetalSafety

Development of evaluation concepts for fibrous and granular metal compounds: bioavailability, toxicological efficacy profiles and comparative in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies


Project: NanoINHAL 

In-vitro test methods for airborne nanomaterials to investigate toxic potential and uptake after inhalation exposure using innovative organ-on-a-chip technology


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), German Centers for Health Research (DZG)

German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK):
Single-cell RNA sequencing in iPSC-derived nodal and atrial cells from patients with atrial fibrillation

German Center for Lung Research (DZL):
Allergy and asthma
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases (DPLD)


Federal Office for Radiation Protection

Childhood leukemia – influence of the immune system on the development of the disease (experimental study in a suitable animal model). AG-R-08313/3616S82440

Investigation into the occurrence of leukaemia in predisposed animal models exposed to magnetic fields. Z4/AG-R-08313/3620S92410

Influence of the inter-frequency magnetic fields of inductive power transmission during charging of electric vehicles on the behaviour of laboratory rodents. AG-R-08319/3620EMF401

Investigation of biological mechanisms of radiation-induced cardiovascular diseases. R&D project 3621S32210


German Centre for Rail Traffic Research at the Federal Railway Authority

Emissions and immissions from railway traffic – air pollutant monitoring and dispersion modeling




EU project: MDOT (Medical Device Obligations Taskforce)

Establishment of a digital platform for simplified conformity assessment and testing of medical devices, including three demonstrator technologies: Inhalation technology, 3D-printed neural implantats, and coatings for orthopedic prostheses


EU project: RealWorld4Clinic

AI-powered health monitoring for clinical research and cardiology (EIT Health innovation project)


EU project: REMEDIA – RElation exposoME DIseAse

Impact of exposome on the course of lung diseases


EU project (EASA): Cabin Air Quality 3rd Campaign 

Cabin air quality assessment of long-term effects of contaminants


EU project (EFSA): Development of roadmaps for action on: New approach methodologies in risk assessment (LOT 2; OC/EFSA/ED/2020/01-02)


EU project (EFSA): EFSA Read-Across

Identification of the applicability domain (in terms of toxicological endpoints and chemical space) for the use of read-across in food safety


EU project (EFSA): Emerging Risks III

Screening for Emerging Chemical Risks in the Food Chain


EU project (EFSA): PARC

European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals


EU project (EMA): MutaMind

Better models to shed light on the mutagenicity of N-nitrosamines


EU project (Horizon 2020): Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks, Magicbullet :: Reloaded

Development and employment of approaches for selective, targeted delivery of a panel of anticancer drugs for directed tumor therapy


EU project (Horizon 2020): REMADYL

Removal of legacy substances from polyvinylchloride (PVC) via a continuous and sustainable extrusion process


EU project (HORIZON 2020): RISK-HUNT3R

RISK assessment of chemicals integrating HUman centric Next generation Testing strategies promoting the 3Rs


EU project (Horizon 2020): TBMED

An open innovation test bed for the development of high-risk medical devices
Translation of the quality-by-design approach of the pharmaceutical industry to biomedical engineering, using several medical devices as examples: bone defect reconstruction materials, keratoprosthesis, and nanoparticles for cancer treatment


EU project (HORIZON 2020):  ZeroPM

Zero pollution from persistent, mobile substances


EU project (IMI): eTranSafe

Enhancing translational safety assessment through integrative knowledge management


EU project (IMI): Immune Safety Avatar (imSAVAR)

Nonclinical mimicking of the immune system effects of immunomodulatory therapies


EU project (IMI): PREMIER

Prioritization and risk evaluation of medicines in the environment


EU project (JPND – Joint Program Neurodegenerative Disease Research): ADIS 

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease by immune profiling of cytotoxic lymphocytes and recording of sleep disturbances (collaborative project)


EU research cluster: ASPIS 

Animal-free Safety assessment of chemicals: Project cluster for Implementation of novel Strategies

University teaching activities


Prof. Dr. Christian Bär

Hannover Medical School: (Co-)owner of the module "Molecular signal regulation in sceletal muscles and heart" in the Master's programs “Biomedicine“ and “Biochemistry“; supervision of bachelor, master, Ph.D. and StrucMed students

Hannover Medical School, Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS): Lecture "Non-coding RNAs in cardiovascular diseases" for Ph.D. students in the HBRS programs MolMed and RegSci; lecture/methodology seminar "Telomeres: from measurement to manipulation in ageing and heart disease" in the HBRS program RegSci 


Prof. Dr. Armin Braun

TRAIN Academy: professional education program "Translational Research & Medicine: From Idea to Product” (lecturer and person in charge of Module 6 “Preclinical development”)

Hannover Medical School: lectures in the MD/Ph.D. program “Molecular Medicine”

Lower Saxony International Summer Academy in Immunology at the Hannover Medical School: lecture on neuroimmune interactions in allergic asthma in the session “Lung Inflammation, Asthma, Allergy”

University of Leipzig: lecture on methods for testing xenobiotics for their airway sensitization potential in the postgraduate course “Toxicology and Environmental Protection”


Dr. Franziska Breuer

Leuphana University Lüneburg: lectures in module F10 Law, International Regulations and Chemicals Management in the professional Master's program "M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry"


Dr. Gustav Bruer

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover: lecture on therapies for airway diseases as part of the lecture on clinical pharmacology and toxicology; lecture on inhalation toxicology within the pharmacological colloquium


Dr. Otto Creutzenberg

University of Leipzig: lecture on inhalation toxicology in the postgraduate course “Toxicology and Environmental Protection”

Universities of Jena/Erfurt, Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology: lecture on exposure methods/toxicokinetics within the DGPT course “Fundamentals of organ toxicology and organ pathology”


Dr. Sylvia E. Escher

University of Milan: lecture on quantitative chemical structure-activity relationships, module “In-silico methods in toxicology“ in sector “CHIM/08 − Pharmaceutical Chemistry“ in the degree course “Safety Assessment of Xenobiotics and Biotechnological Products“


Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jan Fiedler

Hannover Medical School: lectures in the Master's programs “Biomedicine“ and “Biochemistry“; hands-on trainings at the Center of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the Master's program “Biomedicine“ 

Hannover Medical School, Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS): lectures in the Ph.D. programs “Regenerative Science“ and “Molecular Medicine“

Imperial College London (UK): lectures in the Master's program “Genes, Drugs and Stem Cells“


Dr. Jens Gerdelmann

TRAIN Academy: lectures on quality management, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), and clinical  testing of medical devices (modules 2.1, 2.6 and 5.8)

Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS) at the Hannover Medical School: workshop “Introduction to GLP and GMP”


Dr. Markus Heine

Technische Universität Braunschweig:  lectures on applied and technical biochemistry incl. hands-on training


Prof. Dr. Jens Hohlfeld

Hannover Medical School: lectures on allergic respiratory diseases


Dr. Stefan Kirsch

University of Regensburg: lectures and hands-on training in molecular oncology in the degree course “Molecular Medicine”; hands-on training in database research in the degree course “Computational Science”


Prof. Dr. Christoph Klein

University of Regensburg: lectures in pathology and molecular oncology in the degree course “Molecular Medicine” (Bachelor's and Master's programs); “Advanced human genetics“ for students in teaching and biology degree programs (“Cancer metastasis as paradigm of an evolutionary disease process”); lecture in the series “RNA Lecture Series Part IV” of the “Graduate Research Academy RNA Biology”; seminar and hands-on training in molecular oncology; methodology seminar “Experiment and analysis“ for Ph.D., master, and bachelor students of the Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy Research; seminars about “Striking a moving target: From mechanisms of metastatic organ colonisation to novel systemic therapies“ within the Collaborative Reserach Center TRR 305 

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg: seminar "How does metastatic dissemination take place?" in the degree course “Medical Information Technology”


Dr. Meik Kunz

FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg: lectures/excercise units “Introduction to bioinformatics for translational medicine“ and “Machine learning in clinical bioinformatics“ in the Master's programs “Computer Science“ and “Data Science“; lectures/exercise units “Introduction to medical informatics“ in the Master's program “Computer Science“; lectures/exercise units “Basics of medical informatics for physicians“ in the degree program “Medicine“, cross-disciplinary topic Q1 “Epidemiology, medical biometry and medical informatics“

Deggendorf Institute of Technology: lectures on “Biostatistics I“ and “Biostatistics II“ in the Master's program “Life Science Informatics“

Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg: Summer School “Modern Methods in Infection Biology“


Prof. Dr. Nico Lachmann

Hannover Medical School: mentor and lecture in the Master's programs “Biomedicine“ and “Biochemistry“; lectures in the degree course “Human Medicine“, compulsory elective module WP235 “Rare Diseases“, and in “Cell and Gene Therapy“; lectures in translational research; supervision of bachelor, master, Ph.D. and StrucMed students

Hannover Medical School, Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS): lectures in the Ph.D. programs “Regenerative Science“ and “Molecular Medicine“

Leibniz University Hannover: supervision of bachelor students


Dr. Oliver Licht

Leuphana University Lüneburg: lectures on toxicology and ecotoxicology (F3) and on REACH (F10 Law, International Regulations and Chemicals Management) in the professional Master's program "M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry"

RWTH Aachen: lecture on regulatory toxicology and risk assessment in the degree course "M.Sc. Ecotoxicology"


Dr. Gerhard Pohlmann

TRAIN Academy: lectures on the regulatory framework for medical devices, on standards for medical devices and on economic aspects in implant development in Module 5 (Medical devices) and on preclinical development of medical devices and on preclinical development of inhalers (best practice) in Module 8 (Pre-clinic) of the vocational training program “Translational Research and Medicine: From the Idea to the Product“


Dr. Bernhard Polzer

University of Regensburg: lectures on molecular oncology in the degree course “Molecular Medicine”; hands-on training in molecular oncology


Prof. Dr. Antje Prasse

Hannover Medical School: main lectures on internal medicine in the degree course "Human medicine"; seminar on pulmonological topics for interns in the degree course "Human medicine"; lectures on translational research in pulmonoloy within the REBIRTH/KFO311 Ph.D. student program


Prof. Dr. Tobias Pukrop

University of Regensburg: lectures and bedside teaching in the degree course “Human Medicine”; lectures on pathophysiology and molecular oncology in the degree course “Molecular Medicine”; hands-on training in molecular oncology 

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule: lectures on chemotherapy in the Master's program “Computer Science – study option Medical Information Technology”, course on the analysis and recording of medical processes


Priv.-Doz. Dr. Susanne Rittinghausen

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation: seminars in toxicological pathology


Dirk Schaudien Ph.D.

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation: lectures and seminars in special and toxicological pathology


Dr. Stefanie Scheffler

Leuphana University Lüneburg: lectures in module F10 Law, International Regulations and Chemicals Management in the professional Master's program "M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry"


Dr. Katherina Sewald

Hannover Medical School: lectures on allergy and asthma, analgesics, Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia in the degree courses “Biomedicine” and "Biochemistry"; laboratory course in biomedicine; laboratory course in biochemistry: immunology

RWTH Aachen: lectures on immunotoxicology in the vocational degree course Laboratory Animal Science M. Sc.”

TRAIN Academy: lectures on immunotoxicology


Dr. Henning Weigt

TRAIN Academy: lectures on “Preclinical development, phases, costs, and quality assurance”


Dr. Christian Werno

University of Regensburg: lectures on pathology and molecular oncology in the degree course “Molecular Medicine”; hands-on training in molecular oncology

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg: seminar "How does metastatic dissemination take place?" in the degree course “Medical Information Technology”


Prof. Dr. Lena Wiese

Goethe University Frankfurt: lectures on databases and data challenges; seminar on database management systems


Ariane Zwintscher

Leuphana University Lüneburg: lectures in module F10 Law, International Regulations and Chemicals Management in the professional Master's program "M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry"