
Clinical trials: "We combine scientific expertise with operational excellence!"

The focus of our clinical research is essentially on respiratory research, in particular on allergic rhinitis, asthma, COPD, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).

Over the past five years, we have moved into other therapeutic areas as well, such as atopic dermatitis, inflammatory diseases, and also vaccine studies. We combine our scientific expertise with operational excellence in clinical trials.


Read more about our services in clinical trials

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Exhaled particles: "We get deep insights into the lung – non-invasively!"

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Exhaled particles are very small and provide a fingerprint of the epithelial lining fluid. We have developed a technique by which we can determine the deposition of exhaled particles with every single breath. 

Exhaled particles are an intriguing method with broad potential for non-invasive monitoring of the lung.

Read more about exhaled particles in clinical research

Pulmonary fibrosis: "We are cutting edge in preclinical and clinical drug trials!"

The life expectancy of patients with untreated idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is three years.

We are focusing on translational and clinical research and have unique access to primary cells derived from patients with IPF or other types of pulmonary fibrosis. We test medical compounds and their effect on epithelial cell biology using our specialized in-vivo and in-vitro models.


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Biomarker analysis: "We perform PK and PD assessments in clinical trials and evaluate drug efficacy!"

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Specific and validated biomarkers are a key tool for us in routine clinical practice and clinical studies to allow detection of diseases at an early stage and their individualized treatment, to enable prognoses and monitoring of the response to therapy.

To clients and partners, we guarantee the highest quality standards – GLP/GCLP –, individual method development and state-of-the-art technologies. 

Read more about our services in biomarker analysis

Chip cytometry: "We can do iterative immunophenotyping of cells – even after storage!"

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Chip cytometry is based on the immobilization of cells on special object slides, referred to as chips. On these chips, cells can be analyzed with regard to morphology, expression of surface markers, and intracellular function.

Iterative staining protocols allow comprehensive immunological and functional characterization of cells

Read more about chip cytometry

Sputum Core Facility: "We are experts in sputum analysis in respiratory clinical trials!"

The team of our Sputum Core Facility has comprehensive experience, enabling optimal sputum analysis results in multicenter clinical trials, due to central organization and analyses.

We guarantee selection of the most suitable sputum analysis protocol to optimally fit the requirements of your specific study. We offer our clients study-specific training, supervision of quality during study conduct, and analysis of a broad spectrum of biomarkers.

Read more about the services of the Sputum Core Facility

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